Talk of inflation is all the rage these days.
It appears like inflation is here to stay.
Just the other day, I noticed gas was as high as $ 4.22 (I am told this is lower than the West Coast). Fortunately, saving money for medications, especially generic medications (non-name brand medications) can be easy.
GoodRx is a health care company with multiple service lines to help people save money. Below is a summary for how to save money on medications.
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According to GoodRx:
75% of GoodRx customers have insurance
70,000+ U.S. pharmacies accept GoodRx
$100+ is how much prices can differ between pharmacies
Let me know your experience of GoodRx - please feel free to share with me your experience of GoodRx. My e-mail is
After this blog posted, I was given another lead - Mark Cuban's Cost Plus Drugs. I checked the prices. It was very competitive.